Cargo ships wait in the anchor zone to cross the Panama Canal from the Pacific entrance near Panama City, Panama, on Friday, Sept. 1, 2023. Ships have been waiting for days as the congestion to cross from both sides increase due to the intense droughts in the country during the rainy season.
Cargo ships wait in the anchor zone to cross the Panama Canal from the Pacific entrance near Panama City, Panama, on Friday, Sept. 1, 2023. Ships have been waiting for days as the congestion to cross from both sides increase due to the intense droughts in the country during the rainy season.

La congestión en el canal de Panamá, debido a la reducción en el acceso para cuidar el agua debido a la sequía, ha llevado a las compañías navieras a pagar tasas récord en las subastas que realiza la autoridad de esa vía fluvial con tal de avanzar rápido en la fila de espera.